international Business

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Sumatra-Andaman earthquake

The Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, on December 26, 2004 an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.15 hit the Indian Ocean. The earthquake only lasted 10 seconds but  it triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts of most countries bordering the Indian Ocean, killing 230,000 people in 14 countries, and completely destroying coastal communities with waves up to 100 feet high. It was one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history. Indonesia was the hardest-hit country, followed by Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand. It is the third largest earthquake ever recorded. 

The tsunamis and earthquakes immediately cause 15 billion dollars in damage. This obviously put a huge dent in the economy of a country that didn't have much money and much  economy to begin with. This also affected greatly most of the local businesses in countries like India or Sri Lanka. Many lost commerce and product and also lost their work space. Many of the companies and businesses were forced to shut down because the damage was to great to fix and the hay no money to fix it.  

Another great problem that this event caused was the lack of good available as domestic product. The tsunamis destroyed everything, including crops all the agriculture, machinery, and all fields and farms. Such tragic events set back the development of many countries witch are still fighting to make a name for them selves and hopefully grow in the International Business world. 


picture of the country researched on the first week :

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