international Business

Thursday, October 20, 2016

labor law differences between US and China

Wages and Hours


 It restricts employers to hire employees 16 and under. These employees between the age of 16 and 18 are not allowed to work during school hours unless studies are finished or it is a summer job. It is not allowed for citizens between to work more than 40 hours a week without being paid overtime. In the us the average minimum wage $7.25 at the moment. This number varies between states some have higher and some lower but it is believed that these numbers will raise over the next few years.


In Chinese businesses it is declared by law that an employee can not work for more than 8 hours a day and more than 44 hours a week. If employees wish or employers ask the employees to work more than 8 hours a day it is allowed for a worker to work overtime as long as they are getting rewarded for this. In China the minimum wage is at an all time low of 11 yuan per hour. This translates to 1.63 dollars. The difference in wages and hours is illogical and it is not right for the Chinese government to allow this.


a 700 person experiment was conducted in Britain by the Social Market Foundation and the University of Warwick’s Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy.  This experiment observed workers before and after being given snacks and told jokes. The experiment showed that productivity rose by 12 percent after the experiment and the investigators concluded that the key to productivity in fact is largely influenced by happiness in the work place. 
Company that operates globally and humanely
State Farm - State farm is an American group of insurance and financial services company that operates globally . State farm is know to have one of the biggest percents of employee happiness at a 94 percent employee happiness. State Farm was also awarded with many humanitarian prices such as the  2015 Fit-Friendly Work site award and the 2014 Best Companies for Multicultural Women.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

current event

North korea nuclear threat to U.S

Could North Korea actually put a nuclear warhead atop a rocket and fire it at a potential adversary? Very Few believe that North Korea would  actually get involved in a war with the United States as president Obama said “What we’ve said consistently,  that if North Korea shows seriousness in denuclearizing the Korean peninsula, then we’ll be prepared to enter into some serious conversations with them about reducing tensions and our approach to protecting our allies in the region. Obama declared that there is a very slim chance that these threats are serious and that the american citizens should not worry


Theme Parks

Theme parks around the world

Business Mistakes

Business mistakes project

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

International influence in professional sports 

Athletes play a very important role in today's society. They play such important roles that they have a big influence n international issues. For example:

- All International Athletes-  These athletes compete every four years in the Olympics and compete for their countries. These athletes have an impact because when they compete internationally they inspire millions to do and to keep doing what they live to do. 

- David Beckham - Beckham has donated millions into countless international charities. He is also a very big role model to many kids and teens.  He also has his own charity, the Victoria and David Beckham Charitable Trust, which provides children with wheelchairs, among other causes.  

- Dikembe Mutombo - He donated 15 million dollars to build a huge Hospital in his home country of Congo. This Hospital saves millions every week and has made a huge difference in the people of congo. 

- Kristy Yamaguchi- Kristy is a huge role model to many little girls who wish to be like her. She is a professional figure skater with many awards. She created her own fundraiser called Always Dream Foundation . Witch pushes communities to have a positive influence on children 

- Dirk Nowitski - The germán born NBA star started his own foundation called the Dirk Nowitski foundation. The main goal for this charity was to fight hunger in Africa and to give to people who needed most. 


What is a Handshake?

          A handshake is an act of shaking a person's hand with one's own, used as a greeting or to finalize an agreement. This act can vary around the world and its use can be used to greet someone, accept a gift, departing or even when exchanging business cards. 

Japan : 

Japanese people bow when meeting someone while saying Ohayo, Konnichiwa or Konbawa depending on the time of the day. Bows can can vary in different angles depending on the  importance of the person you are meeting. 

Depart- When departing or saying goodbye it is most common to bow in the same way as when greeting but saying  good bye バイバイ (ばいばい. 

Accept a gift-  In Japan its all about the outside. What Japanese people look at when receiving the gift is the outside. Appropriate wrapping  and decoration makes for a great gift. 

Share business cards- It is polite to carry around a card holder. Stuffing business cards into a pocket or a coat is considered extremely rude. Do not write on the cards. And do not damage the business card in front of the owner this is considered a direct insult. 

Australia : 

Meet - Australians often greet each other by saying "G'day" or "G'day, mate." Women will often greet others with a kiss on the cheek, while men will often shake hands with each other

Depart - Very similar to the greeting. Kisses or handshake only this time Australians tend to say Toodle-oo

Accept a gift- In Australia it is very common to give gifts at business meetings and conventions. These gifts come as Lunches or dinners with other businessmen and businesswoman. It is tradition for the one who invites to pay for the meal regardless of gender. To these meals one might bring a little gift to show appreciation. 

Share business cards - It is polite to respect the business and card that the business person has given you. Be prepared to have a lot of cards because in these business events it is common to trade at least 40 or 50 cards. 


Thursday, October 6, 2016



Hong Kong Disneyland, China

7.76HK = 1$   539HK = 69$  adults   385HK =49.6$  childs   100HK = 12.88$ seniors

Tokyo Disney Sea, Japan

104.2 yen = $1 20,000 yen = $191 seniors 30,000= $287 adults 100,000 yen = $961 kids

Euro Park in Germany

30 = $33.6    20= $22.4      15 = $16.8